Puppy Obedience, Prevention, and Foundation: Set-Up For Success

Puppy Obedience, Prevention, and Foundation: Set-Up For Success

Puppy Obedience, Prevention, and Foundation: Set-Up For Success

You just fell in love with this adorable new four legged member of your family and you want to be the best dog parent possible, you want to set them up for lifelong success in their new role as your best friend?

Or, has the new puppy in your life turned out to be more than you bargained for?

Maybe you’ve never trained a dog? 

Perhaps you’ve lived with dogs your whole life but are now realizing you've never actually trained one yourself?

Maybe, you just want some assurance you’re on the right track?

Our Foundations and Prevention program is designed to provide you with the basic concepts of canine psychology and body language through in home “kitchen table classroom” learning sessions, physical training for practical obedience skills and leash etiquette at our training facility and techniques to socialize your dog to be confident around unfamiliar people, places, "things" and dogs in public spaces.

Puppy Foundation and Prevention – House Skills, Leash Obedience, Socialization

• House Skills

  • ⠀⠀Tools: “Leashes, Crates and Collars… Oh My!”. 
  • ⠀⠀Canine Psych 101: “Human Training” for Kids and Adults
  • ⠀⠀Canine Safety
  • ⠀⠀Interpreting Canine Body Language
  • ⠀ Habits of Habituation “Best Practices and Pro-Tips” for setting the emotional environment of your home to ensure success.
  • ⠀⠀Nutrition and Exercise, “How much is TOO much?”.
  • ⠀⠀Crate Training, The Positive Way
  • ⠀⠀Puppy Poo Pro-Tips and Potty Time Positivity

• Leash Etiquette and General Obedience

  • ⠀⠀Zero Pull, Free Walk
  • ⠀⠀Left Hand Heel with Auto Sit
  • ⠀⠀Sit, Stay, Come Training
  • ⠀⠀Introduction to Place/Zen Bed

• Socialization

New Rescue Acclimation and Integration

You’ve just brought a new dog into your home. They’re not a puppy but they are new to your home and you’ve got all the same concerns as the new puppy parents, except different. Was rescuing the right choice? I love this dog so much, what can I do to help him adjust? I wonder if that thing he is does is from something in his past?

You’ve got our attention, and our respect.

This is what we do.

Our system of habituation, conditioning and socialization is made specifically with you, your dog and your families success in mind. This program is the Puppy Foundation and prevention program but reinterpreted and optimized for your newly rescued dog. Actually, don’t tell the puppy parents… but this is our strength. Our years of immersion and research in the behavior of newly adopted dogs has led us to develop training applications that integrate into your daily lifestyle and interactions with your new loved one rather than occupy your day. In other words, we’d rather coach you how to communicate productively and set the emotional tone of your home to produce the behavior you’re looking for than set aside “an hour a day for training”.

  •  Puppy Foundation and prevention program but reinterpreted and optimized for your newly rescued dog


• Sibling Syndrome/Littermate Syndrome

⠀⠀⠀⠀Seriously? You got two puppies from the same litter at the same time? 

Bark At Us, We'll Howl Back!

At The Doggy Dojo, we're passionate about canine companionship, and we're here to help you every step of the way. Have questions or eager to learn more about our training programs and community? Don't hesitate to reach out. Your companion's journey towards canine harmony starts with a conversation. Contact us today!

The Doggy Dojo

Train • Play • Rescue
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